Every decision you make has an impact on your life
either good or bad and is part of your life story.
What will your story be?

Cameron & Madyson, 5th Graders
TEDxKidsElCajon 2019




Events like TEDxKidsElCajon do not happen by itself. Like all other TEDx events, we rely on the generosity of partners for financial support and in-kind contributions. Our history with partners has been remarkable, and we invite you to be part of this tradition this year.

As a partner, your organization will align with one of the most recognized and respected brands globally. On YouTube alone, TED reaches over 24 million subscribers, and every talk given at TEDxKidsElCajon is on the Official TED YouTube Channel. Yet the impact and connection from your partnership is profoundly local. Every year, the event draws over 1500 attendees from the Greater San Diego and East County Community. Including leaders from the academic, business and civic sectors as well as students and their families. Moreover, you will be supporting a generation of thought leaders. Over this past decade, over 200 student speakers have taken the stage to share their ideas that bring hope, inspire change and drive us to action.


TEDxKidsElCajon is an annual non-profit, independently organized, TEDxYouth event. Children ages five through eighteen from our community have shared their personal journeys, captivating stories, and ideas that inspire an audience of all ages.

Since 2015, TEDxKidsElCajon has broadened horizons, ignited thoughts, and sparked conversations with themes including Doers and Dreamers, Beyond Infinity, and My Future Possible Self. 

Over 3,000 San Diego and El Cajon community members and families came together in 2019 for the World is YOurs. The past two years we went virtual, with over 12,000 viewers reached by our event.  

All monetary contributions to TEDxKidsElCajon are tax-deductible.


Be a Visionary - $2,500

  • Presenting Partner rights (TEDxKidsElCajon made possible by…)
  • Branding placement in program, website, swag, badge, and social media coverage
  • Logo placement in speaker videos uploaded the Official TEDx Youtube Channel with 34.1 million subscribers
  • Live Partnership mention during all sessions
  • Opportunity for TEDxKidsElCajon Speaker to speak at a partner event
  • Click here to be a Visionary today!

Be an Innovator - $1,000

  • Branding placement in printed program, website, tickets, badge, and social media coverage
  • Logo placement in speaker videos uploaded the Official TEDx Youtube Channel with 34.1 million subscribers
  • Opportunity for TEDxKidsElCajon Speaker to speak at a partner event
  • Click here to be an Innovator today!


Be a Believer - $500

  • Branding placement in program, website, swag, and social media coverage
  • Opportunity for TEDxKidsElCajon Speaker to speak at a partner event
  • Click here to be a Believer

Be a Friend - In-Kind

  • In addition to monetary contributions, we also welcome in-kind partners. Here are some possible in-kind partnerships:
  • Food for Volunteers
  • Snacks for Backstage
  • Attendee Gifts
  • Speaker Gifts
  • Service Coupons or Discounts
  • Swag Bags
  • Click here to be a Friend

Be a Champion - Mentor a Speaker

Let Us Talk About a Partnership Plan!